Fire Service Personnel
I-300 Intermediate Incident Command Systems - Combination Online and Classroom Delivery (10 hours classroom [one two hour and one eight hour session], 14 hours online).
(FSFC Approval Number: RN3216)
In this course, the student must be able to list and describe the duties of various positions within the incident command system, construct an incident management organization for a given incident or event, including appropriate procedures for establishing command, transferring command, and terminating an incident, demonstrate knowledge of efficient incident resource management including logistics, finance, administration, and record-keeping, demonstrate a familiarity with air operations, and demonstrate knowledge of incident planning processes.
Select Florida State Statutes Review 1
(FSFC: RN3293, 6.0 CEUs for Fire Inspectors Approved)
This course will review 5 sections of Florida State Statutes that may be applicable to the performance of a Fire Inspector's duties at some point or another.
Overview of Emergency Management
(FSFC: DS3294, 2.0 CEUs for Fire Inspectors & Instructors Approved)
This course will present an overview of the national emergency management system; the functional organization of emergency management agencies; the categorization of emergency management policies and programs; introduction to the terminology of emergency management and the conceptual models that guide policymaking and administration.
Florida Code of Ethics Review
(FSFC: RN3339, 6.0 CEUs for Fire Inspectors & Instructors Approved)
This online course will introduce the participant to the Florida Commission on Ethics, and provide examples to applying the rules contained in Florida State Statute 112 to one's potential duties as a Firefighter, Fire Inspector or Fire Instructor.
Effective Communication
(FSFC: RN3494, 8.0 CEUs approved for Fire Inspectors & Instructors)
Being able to communicate effectively is a necessary and vital part of every firefighter, fire inspector or fire instructor's job. This course is designed to improve your communication skills. It addresses: Basic communication skills, how to communicate in an emergency, how to identify community-specific communication issues, using technology as a communication tool, effective oral communication, and how to prepare an oral presentation.
On-Scene Functions of the Incident Safety Officer
(FSFC: RN3407, 4.5 CEUs approved for Fire Instructors)
This course provides an overview of the responsibilities, methods, and techniques necessary to be an effective Incident Safety Officer. The course alone is not designed to turn a Firefighter into a certified Incident Safety Officer, but rather to bring an awareness of the position, and exploration into the practices and duties of such as role.
The required textbook for this course is Fire Department Incident Safety Officer, 1st Edition by David Dodson. Published by Thomson Delmar Learning. ISBN # 0766803627. We recommend you check your department's training library for a copy of this book, or you may order it from the publisher at
Fire Cause Determination
(FSFC Course Number: RN4669)
An overview and refresher of fire cause and origin investigation concepts, including the more common causes found, observations necessary to make a determination, and different types of criminal arsonists.
Fire Service Features of Buildings & Fire Protection Systems
(FSFC Course Number: RN4839)
This course will focus on current issues and features of buildings and the fire protection engineering and technology that are part of them. It is designed to refresh and introduce modern principals of fire protection and engineering to both inspectors and instructors alike.